This pack features 24 rhyming pair cards and supporting writing sheets for children to generate their own rhyming pair sentences. Your class will enjoy creating their own unique and interesting sentences as they develop a range of literacy skills. Featuring Tasmanian Beginners Font.


  • Recognising rhyming patterns
  • Manipulating words and sounds to create simple rhymes
  • Prewriting skills – generating ideas through class discussions and communicating ideas orally
  • Writing skills – full stops, capital letters, finger spaces
  • Using adjectives to add detail
  • Revising and editing
  • Sharing writing with an audience


Suitable for whole class literacy lessons and literacy groups.


Please note: This PDF has been designed for A4 PAPER PRINTING and features AUSTRALIAN / UK SPELLING. It is in TAS BEGINNERS FONT. This resource is a PAID DIGITAL DOWNLOAD available in our TPT store.
