I rarely write generic notes home. I simply don’t have time.

Keep a stack of these yellow slips on your desk to help you stay organised and free up time for more important things!

Time is incredibly precious when you are a teacher.

I have spent hours over the years writing notes home reminding families to return library books, send in water bottles, sign permission slips, etc. I soon realised that it was not a productive use of my time so…ta-da!…the ‘Friendly Reminder Notes’ were born!

These little notes cover most of the day-to-day operational stuff and save me from having to write generic emails and letters home. I print them onto bright yellow paper, cut along the dotted lines and keep a pile of notes handy throughout the year. All they require is the student’s name and a quick tick, and then I place them in the student’s diary or home folder.

The time I have saved using these slips has allowed me to devote my attention to more meaningful and personalised home-school communication.

I hope they save you time too.

If you would like a free copy, they are available to download for free from our Celebrating Childhood TPT store.